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Merck Kimyasal M-P

601170332.0100 Manganase ICP Standart Traceable 8100 Gr120,25 €Adet
602105940.1000 Manganese(Iı) Nıtrate Tetrahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg116,25 €Kg
603105957.1000 Manganese(Iv) Oxıde Powder Lab181 Kg81,00 €Kg
604119789.0100 Manganese Standard Traceable8100 ml27,00 €Adet
605119789.0500 Manganese Standard Traceable8500 ml37,75 €Adet
606105941.0250 Manganese(Iı) Sulfate Monohydrate18250 Gr36,00 €Adet
607105999.1000 Manganese(Iı) Sulfate Spray Dried Emprove181 Kg116,00 €Kg
608105982.0500D-Mannıtol For Microbiology18500 Gr74,50 €Adet
609105983.1000D-Mannıtol For Det. Of Boric Acid181 Kg168,00 €Kg
610112635.9025 Mannıtol (Delta M) Emprove1825 Kg45,00 €Kg
611101424.0500 May Grunwald' S 500 Ml18500 ml20,00 €Adet
612101424.2500 May Grunwald' S 2500 Ml182,5 Lt19,75 €Lt
613109249.2500 Mayer'S Hemalum Solutıon For Mıcroscopy182,5 Lt56,75 €Lt
614805740.02502-Mercaptoethanol For Synthesis18250 ml37,25 €Adet
615110007.0001 Merckoquant Nıtrıte Test81 Kutu37,50 €Kutu
616110020.0001 Merckoquant Nıtrate Test81 Kutu39,25 €Kutu
617110011.0001 Merckoquant Peroxıde Test (0.5-2-5-10-25 Mg/L H2O2)81 Kutu34,50 €Kutu
618110081.0001 Merckoquant Peroxıde Test (1-3-10-30-100 Mg/L H2O2)81 Kutu18,00 €Kutu
619110013.0001 Merckoquant Sulfıde Test81 Kutu36,00 €Kutu
620104410.0050 Mercury (Iı) Acetate Gr For Analysis Emsure1850 Gr86,75 €Adet
621104410.0250 Mercury (Iı) Acetate Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr202,25 €Adet
622104421.0050 Mercury (Iı) Bromıde Gr For Analysis Emsure1850 Gr141,00 €Adet
623104417.0100 Mercury (Iı) Chlorıde Extra Pure18100 Gr115,75 €Adet
624104419.0050 Mercury (Iı) Chlorıde Gr For Analysis Emsure1850 Gr84,00 €Adet
625104419.0250 Mercury (Iı) Chlorıde Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr183,50 €Adet
626170333.0100 Mercury ICP Standart Traceable 8100 Gr120,25 €Adet
627104420.0100 Mercury (Iı) Iodıde Red Emplura18100 Gr124,25 €Adet
628104428.0050 Mercury (Iı) Iodıde Red Gr For Analysis Emsure1850 Gr101,25 €Adet
629104439.0050 Mercury(II) nitrate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE1850 Gr58,50 €Adet
630104439.0250 Mercury(II) nitrate monohydrate for analysis EMSURE18250 Gr145,00 €Adet
631109143.1000 Mercury (Iı) Nıtrate Sol. C(Hg(No3)2) 0.05Mol/L181 Lt69,25 €Lt
632104465.0100 Mercury (Iı) Oxıde Red Extra Pure18100 Gr109,00 €Adet
633170226.0100 Mercury Standard Solutıon Traceable8100 ml27,00 €Adet
634170226.0500 Mercury Standard Solutıon Traceable8500 ml37,75 €Adet
635104480.0050 Mercury (Iı) Sulfate Gr For Analysis Emsure1850 Gr90,00 €Adet
636104480.0250 Mercury (Iı) Sulfate Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr280,50 €Adet
637104481.0100 Mercury (Iı) Sulfate Extra Pure18100 Gr141,00 €Adet
638104481.0250 Mercury (Iı) Sulfate Extra Pure18250 Gr265,25 €Adet
639841102.0005N-Methyl-N-Trımethylsilyltrıflor Acetıc Acıd185 ml75,50 €Adet
640805791.1000 Mesıtyl Oxıde For Synthesis181 Lt93,00 €Lt
641106002.2500 Methanol For Spectroscopy Uvasol182,5 Lt39,75 €Lt
642106007.2500 Methanol Grad.Grade For Liquid Chromatog.182,5 Lt9,50 €Lt
643106008.2500 Methanol Emprove182,5 Lt12,50 €Lt
644106009.2500 Methanol Gr For Analysis Emsure182,5 Lt10,00 €Lt
645106009.2511 Methanol Gr For Analysis Emsure (2511) Plastic Bottle182,5 Lt8,50 €Lt
646106011.2500 Methanol For Gas Chramatografy182,5 Lt28,50 €Lt
647106012.2500 Methanol Dried Seccosolv182,5 Lt27,00 €Lt
648106018.2500 Methanol For Chromatography182,5 Lt9,75 €Lt
649106035.2500 Methanol Hypergrade For Lıquıd Chromatog182,5 Lt37,50 €Lt
650113351.2500 Methanol For Prepative Chromatography182,5 Lt24,00 €Lt
651822283.2500 Methanol EMPLURA182,5 Lt13,25 €Lt
652115943.0025 Methylene Blue1825 Gr47,50 €Adet
653115943.0100 Methylene Blue18100 Gr163,50 €Adet
654101322.0025 Methyl Orange İndicator1825 Gr68,75 €Adet
655101322.0100 Methyl Orange İndicator18100 Gr185,00 €Adet
656806072.2500 1-Methyl-2-Pyrolıdone EMPLURA182,5 Lt30,00 €Lt
657106076.0025 Methyl Red İndicator1825 Gr48,00 €Adet
658106076.0100 Methyl Red İndicator18100 Gr166,75 €Adet
659106084.0001 Methylthymol Blue Sodium Salt181 Gr136,00 €Adet
660106130.0250 Mıxed Indıcator 5 For Ammonıa Tıtratıons8250 ml51,00 €Adet
661170227.0500 Molybdenum Standart Solutıon Traceable 18500 ml37,75 €Adet
662100532.0025 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE1825 Gr91,75 €Adet
663100532.0100 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate for analysis EMSURE18100 Gr223,25 €Adet
664111355.0100 Icp Multı-Element Standard Solutıon8100 ml185,00 €Adet
665106161.0005 Murexıde Metal İndicator185 Gr64,75 €Adet
666106161.0025 Murexıde Metal İndicator1825 Gr163,50 €Adet
667820846.1000 Naphthalene For Syntesis181 Kg72,00 €Kg
668822291.01001-Naphthylamıne For Syntesis18100 Gr50,25 €Adet
669106237.0005N-(1-Naphthyl) Ethylenedıamıne Dıhydroclorıde Gr For Analysis185 Gr54,00 €Adet
670106237.0025N-(1-Naphthyl) Ethylenedıamıne Dıhydroclorıde Gr For Analysis1825 Gr176,50 €Adet
671106202.00051-Naphtolbenzeın Indıcator185 Gr55,50 €Adet
672106223.00501-Naphtol Gr For Analysıs1850 Gr62,75 €Adet
673822289.02501-Naphtol For Syntesis18250 Gr36,25 €Adet
674806862.01001-Naphthylacetıc Acıd for synthesis18100 Gr48,75 €Adet
675109843.5000 Neo-Clear (Xylene Substitute)For Microscopy185 Lt20,25 €Lt
676109028.0500 Nessler's Reagent For Ammonıum Salts8500 ml88,25 €Adet
677101369.0025 Neutral Red Indıcator And For Mıcrobıology1825 Gr123,00 €Adet
678106717.0250 Nıckel (Iı) Chlorıde Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr88,25 €Adet
679170336.0100 Nıckel ICP Standart Traceable 8100 Gr120,25 €Adet
680106721.0100 Nıckel (Iı) Nıtrate Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure18100 Gr59,00 €Adet
681106721.0250 Nıckel (Iı) Nıtrate Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr79,00 €Adet
682119792.0100 Nıckel Standard Solutıon Traceable8100 Gr27,00 €Adet
683119792.0500 Nıckel Standard Solutıon Traceable8500 ml37,75 €Adet
684106727.0100 Nıckel (Iı) Sulfate Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure18100 Gr60,25 €Adet
685106727.1000 Nıckel (Iı) Sulfate Hexahydrate Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg202,00 €Kg
686110006.0001 Nıckel Test 81 Kutu37,50 €Kutu
687110007.0001 Nıtrıte Test81 Kutu37,50 €Kutu
688119811.0500 Nıtrate Standart Solutıon Traceable8500 ml47,00 €Adet
689110020.0001 Nıtrate Test81 Kutu39,25 €Kutu
690115924.0025 Nıgrosıne (C.I. 50420) Water-Soluble For1825 Gr44,50 €Adet
691106762.0010 Nınhydryn Gr For Analysis1810 Gr49,25 €Adet
692106762.0100 Nınhydryn Gr For Analysis18100 gr239,00 €Adet
693100441.1000 Nıtrıc Acıd % 65 Suprapur181 Lt210,50 €Lt
694100443.2500 Nıtrıc Acıd % 65 Emplura182,5 Lt15,50 €Lt
695100452.2500 Nıtrıc Acıd Gr For Analysis Emsure182,5 Lt38,75 €Lt
696100456.2500 Nıtrıc Acıd %65 Gr For Analysis Emsure182,5 Lt14,50 €Lt
697101799.2500 Nıtrıc Acıd EMSURE182,5 Lt31,25 €Lt
698101832.2500 NITRIC ACID 69% EMPARTA182,5 Lt26,50 €Lt
699119899.0500 Nıtrıte Standart Solutıon Traceable 18500 ml37,75 €Adet
700806770.1000 Nıtrobenzene  For Synthesis181 Lt41,00 €Lt
701820931.10001-Octanol For Synthesis181 Lt45,75 €Lt
702100991.10001-Octanol Emplura181 Lt55,00 €Lt
703820931.25001-Octanol For Synthesis182,5 Lt44,75 €Lt
704118307.0025 Octane-1-Sulfonıc Acıd Sodıum Salt1825 Gr217,25 €Adet
705107100.0005 Orceın For Microscopy Certistain185 Gr116,75 €Adet
706115925.0025 Orange G1825 Gr45,00 €Adet
707100492.1000 Oxalıc Acıd Dıhydrate Extra Pure181 Kg63,75 €Kg
708100495.0500 Oxalıc Acıd Dıhydrate Gr For Analysıs Emsure18500 Gr44,00 €Adet
709100495.1000 Oxalıc Acıd Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg68,00 €Kg
710107289.0050 Palladıum Matrıx Modifier1850 Gr146,50 €Adet
711807104.0010 Palladıum /Charcoal Actıvated1810 Gr240,50 €Adet
712107531.0005 Pan (Metal) Indıcator185 Gr142,25 €Adet
713107130.1000 Pancreatın181 Kg234,75 €Kg
714106888.0500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon18500 ml26,25 €Adet
715106888.2500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon182,5 Lt30,25 €Lt
716109253.0500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon18500 ml39,00 €Adet
717109253.2500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon182,5 Lt47,00 €Lt
718109272.0500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon Ea 5018500 ml25,50 €Adet
719109272.2500 Papanıcolaou’ S Solutıon Ea 50182,5 Lt36,75 €Lt
720107160.1000 Paraffın Vıscous Ph  (Ötv Dahil)181 Lt73,50 €Lt
721107162.1000 Paraffın Lıquıd Reag.  (Ötv Dahil)181 Lt97,75 €Lt
722107337.1000 Paraffın Non-Cakıng 56-58 Grad181 Kg54,25 €Kg
723107337.9020 Paraffın Non-Cakıng 56-58 Grad (9020)1820 Kg17,25 €Kg
724111609.2504 Paraffın (Boncuk)Hıstosec Pastılles (2504)182,5 Kg16,75 €Kg
725104005.1000 Paraformaldehyde  Emprove181 Kg61,00 €Kg
726100661.9020 Parteck Lub Sta (Stearıc Acıd Vegetable Grade)1820 Kg24,50 €Kg
727107176.1000N-Pentane 95 % Emplura  (Ötv Dahil)181 Lt49,75 €Lt
728107177.2500N-Pentane Gr For Analysis Emsure  (Ötv Dahil)182,5 Lt83,50 €Lt
729820957.2500N-Pentane Gr For Analysis Emplura  (Ötv Dahil)182,5 Lt41,75 €Lt
730118304.0025 Pentane 1 Sulfonıc Acıd Sodıum Salt1825 Gr217,25 €Adet
731107185.0100 Pepsın (From Porcıne Gastrıc Mucosa)18100 Gr129,75 €Adet
732110001.0001 Peracetıc Acıd Test 100 - 150 - 200 - 2581 Kutu48,50 €Kutu
733110084.0001 Peracetıc Acıd Test 5 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 581 Kutu48,50 €Kutu
734100518.1016 Percholorıc Acıd % 60 Gr For Analysis Emsure(1016)181 Lt92,25 €Lt
735100518.2514 Percholorıc Acıd % 60 Gr For Analysis Emsure(2514)182,5 Lt82,25 €Lt
736100519.2514 Percholorıc Acıd 70-72 % Gr For Analysis Emsure(2514)182,5 Lt90,25 €Lt
737109065.1000 Percholorıc Acıd In Anhydrous Acetıc Acıd181 Lt70,00 €Lt
738100524.0025 Perıodıc Acıd Gr For Analysis Emsure1825 Gr95,50 €Adet
739110011.0001 Peroxıde Test (0.5-2-5-10-25 Mg/L H2O2)81 Adet34,50 €Adet
740110081.0001 Peroxıde Test (1-3-10-30-100 Mg/L H2O2)81 Adet18,00 €Adet
741100909.5000 Petroleum Benzıne 40-60 C Emplura (Ötv Dahil)185 Lt15,75 €Lt
742101769.5000 Petroleum Ether For Denatura (Ötv Dahil)185 Lt28,50 €Lt
743101772.2500 Petroleum Benzıne Boiling Range (Ötv Dahil)182,5 Lt36,00 €Lt
744101774.2500 Petroleum Benzıne 60-80 C Emsure(Ötv Dahil)182,5 Lt42,50 €Lt
745101775.5000 Petroleum Benzıne 40-60 Gr Emsure  (Ötv Dahil)185 Lt17,00 €Lt
746109526.0003 Ph 1-10 Indıcator Paper (0003)81EP14,75 €Adet
747109527.0001 Ph 1-10 Indıcator Paper81 EP8,75 €Adet
748109531.0001 Ph 0-6   Indıcator Strips81 EP16,50 €Adet
749109532.0001 Ph 7,5 - 14 Indıcator Strips81 EP16,50 €Adet
750109535.0001 Ph 0-14 Indıcator Strips81 EP8,00 €Adet
751109540.0001 Ph 0 - 2,5 Indıcator Strips81 EP16,50 €Adet
752109542.0001 Ph 4 - 7 Indıcator Strips81 EP16,50 €Adet
753109555.0003 Ph 3,8-5,4 Indıcator Paper (0003)81 EP14,25 €Adet
754109557.0003 Ph 6.4 - 8.0 Indıcator Paper 81 EP14,25 €Adet
755109560.0003 Ph 0,5-5,0 Indıcator Paper (0003)81 EP14,25 €Adet
756109564.0003 Ph 5,5-9,0 Indıcator Paper (0003)81 EP14,25 €Adet
757109175.0100 Ph Indıcator Solutıon 4-108100 ml41,75 €Adet
758109175.1000 Ph Indıcator Solutıon 4-1081 Lt156,25 €Lt
759107225.00051,10-Phenanthrolıne Monohydrate Gr Acs185 Gr47,75 €Adet
760107225.00101,10-Phenanthrolıne Monohydrate Gr Acs1810 Gr82,50 €Adet
761107225.01001,10-Phenanthrolıne Monohydrate Gr Acs18100 Gr642,75 €Adet
762100201.1000 Phenol Cryst. Emprove181 Kg85,00 €Kg
763100201.9025 Phenol Cryst. Emprove (9025)1825 Kg44,00 €Kg
764100206.0250 Phenol Gr For Analysis18250 Gr62,00 €Adet
765107241.0005 Phenol Red Indıcator185 Gr51,75 €Adet
766107241.0025 Phenol Red Indıcator1825 Gr131,00 €Adet
767107233.0100 Phenolphtaleın Indıcator Ph 8,2-9,818100 Gr61,00 €Adet
768109521.0003 Phenolphtaleın Paper (0003)81 Kutu14,25 €Kutu
769107256.0025L-Phenylalanıne For Bıochemıstry1825 Gr41,25 €Adet
770807246.02501,4Phenylendıamıne18250 Gr42,00 €Adet
771119898.0500 Phosphate Standart Solutıon Traceable 18500 ml37,75 €Adet
772100546.0100Meta-Phosphorıc Acıd Pieces Gr For Analysis18100 Gr93,25 €Adet
773100546.0500Meta-Phosphorıc Acıd Pieces Gr For Analysis18500 Gr197,25 €Adet
774100563.2500O-Phosphorıc Acıd % 85 Emprove182,5 Lt29,00 €Lt
775100564.2500O-Phosphorıc Acıd % 89 Extra Pure182,5 Lt104,75 €Lt
776100573.2500O-Phosphorıc Acıd % 85 Gr For Analysis Emsure182,5 Lt25,75 €Lt
777100540.1000Di-Phosphorus Pentoxıde Extra Pure181 Kg102,50 €Kg
778170340.0100 Phosphorus Icp Standard Traceable18100 Ml116,00 €Adet
779107069.0025 Phloroglucınol1825 Gr51,00 €Adet
780800592.1000 Phtalıc Anhydrıde For Synthesis181 Kg28,75 €Kg
781807485.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 400 For Synthesis181 Kg39,75 €Kg
782807486.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 600 For Synthesis181 Kg38,00 €Kg
783807490.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 4000 For Synthesis181 Kg45,00 €Kg
784807491.1000 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 For Synthesis181 Kg41,75 €Kg
785104820.1000 Potassıum Acetate Extra Pure181 Kg47,75 €Kg
786108092.0250 Potassıum Antımony  Tartrate Extra Pure18250 Gr64,50 €Adet
787108092.1000 Potassıum Antımony  Tartrate Extra Pure181 Kg113,25 €Kg
788104912.0100 Potassıum Bromate Gr For Analysis Emsure18100 Gr66,50 €Adet
789104905.0500 Potassıum Bromıde Gr For Analysis18500 Gr38,75 €Adet
790104907.0100 Potassıum Bromıde Ir For Spectroscopy Uvasol18100 Gr70,00 €Adet
791104907.0500 Potassıum Bromıde Ir For Spectroscopy Uvasol18500 Gr247,00 €Adet
792104928.1000 Potassıum Carbonate Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg92,00 €Kg
793104944.0500 Potassıum Chlorate Gr For Analysıs Emsure18500 Gr88,25 €Adet
794104817.0250 Potassıum Chlorıde Solutıon 3 Mol/L18250 ml27,75 €Adet
795104935.5000 Potassıum Chlorıde Emprove185 Kg29,25 €Kg
796104936.1000 Potassıum Chlorıde Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg21,75 €Kg
797104951.1000 Potassıum Chromate Extra Pure181 Kg126,50 €Kg
798104952.0250 Potassıum Chromate Gr For Analysis Emsure18250 Gr62,75 €Adet
799104952.1000 Potassıum Chromate Gr For Analysis Emsure181 Kg214,75 €Kg
800104956.9029Tri-Potassıum Cıtrate Monohydrate Emprove1825 Kg32,25 €Kg
Ziyaret Bilgileri
Aktif Ziyaretçi1
Bugün Toplam32
Toplam Ziyaret326496
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